I think is difficult for me to answer the question because it is a topic very important for the environment but we need to do this better.
I understand I can’t be totally green even if I try to do my best. We can´t do everything to help the planet because the live make us to get worst the environment. I said the life by the way we can’t change all our habits. We can’t to change the all the cars or all the buses for a cycle for example. In this moment of the world that is so difficult to do. So we just can do it better.
Everyday I try to be conscious about water and electricity consumption. For example if I left a room always I turn off the lights. When I rush my teeth I don’t leave all the time water falling down. Another thing that I do, at the university, I try to save the print paper that I don’t go to use anymore and I put it in containers for recycle. Also, when I have batteries that are not working anymore, I put all of them on the batteries recycling box.
About transportation, I have to confess I am a little bit lazy because I don’t use to walk so much. So this is a point that I have to improve. But when distances are short, I try to walk and if it is in company of friends better!! Because is bored to walk alone. And to use a bike, I would love to use it, but I’m scared about to be crushed by a car.
I have never thought about joining an eco-organization, because I think environment is important but not so much for to be part of an organization. And I don’t have so much time for to do those things, and when I have free time I prefer to do other things that I really like to do.
I think in our society and especially in our country is missing to be more conscious about environment, about global warming and topics like those. We need to learn about this from the school years for to change the world and to change the human habits.

If we ever live together we should have some recycling bins :)
ReplyDeletePD: I loved the picture!