I love this picture because it represents movement and action. To be honest, I don´t really like this animal because it scares me, every time when I go to beach I look everywhere to make sure that there aren´t any of these. Once, a jelly fish shocked me and it hurt really bad, and I started to cry in the minute that I got bitten. Anyway, I chose these picture because I loved the colors and their contrast.
When I look at this picture for a while, I can actually imagine the jellowfish moving through the water, swimming gently and calmly.
But the thing that I like the most about it is that it reminds me of Spongebob squarepants and all the adventures he had hunting jellyfishes. I can actually see in my head Spongebob dancing its jellyfish dance in his jellyfish party. I already learnt the coreography!
Maybe it sounds a bit contradictory, I like the picture because of the things that I imagine with it and the things that makes me remember, but I’m also scared of them. Well it isn´t that contradictory, in fact, the only time when I like them is when they are far far far away from me. There is a special kind of jelly fish that is the one that scares me the most, it is a jelly fish that is red coloured, exactly the same like the one in the picture. There are some other that are see throw, so I don´t really get scared of them, but when I see the red ones, I imagine that they have eaten a lot of people so they are red because of the blood of the people that theyhave eaten.
don't be scared of nature!!!